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  1. “Know the Love of God and Be Healed”

Galatians 4:4-5
But then the day dawned; the most complete culmination of time! (Everything predicted was concluded in Christ!) The son arrived, commissioned by the Father; his legal passport to the planet was his mother’s womb. In a human body exactly like ours he lived his life subject to the same scrutiny of the law.

4:5 His mandate was to rescue the human race from the regime of the law of performance and announce the revelation of their true sonship in God (MIRROR).


  1. Coming into the new relationship with God through the finished work of Christ is simply returning to the original design of the relationship that Adam lost.


  1. “The entire Bible is all about Jesus, and Jesus is all about you.” – Francois Du Toit


  1. Jesus came so that you would be saved. Jesus came so that you would be healed.

Not mankind: not humanity; just you.


  1. When Christians have been in church for a long time, they get pulled into the idea of serving God or serving Christ.
  2. Don’t get confused: God doesn’t need you to serve Him.
  3. He needs you to enjoy Him as your loving heavenly Father, with Jesus as your older Brother/Savior.
  4. You serve others – other sons and daughters of God.
  5. God is pleased with that, but don’t confuse that with your vertical relationship as a son or daughter that He loves with all of His heart.


Romans 8:10,11
8:10 The revelation of Christ in you declares that your body is as good as dead to sin’s demands; sin cannot find any expression in a corpse. You co-died together with him. Yet your spirit is alive because of what righteousness reveals.
8:11 Our union with Christ further reveals that because the same Spirit that awakened the body of Jesus from the dead inhabits us, we equally participate in his resurrection. In the same act of authority whereby God raised Jesus from the dead, he co-restores your body to life by his indwelling Spirit. (Your body need never again be an excuse for an inferior expression of the Christ life) (MIRROR)


2 Corinthians 4:4,10,16
The survival and self-improvement programs of the religious systems of this world veil the minds of the unbelievers; exploiting their ignorance about their true origin and their redeemed innocence. The veil of unbelief obstructs a person’s view and keeps them from seeing what the light of the gospel so clearly reveals: the glory of God is the image and likeness of our Maker redeemed in human form; this is what the gospel of Christ is all about.
4:10 Wherever we go, whatever we encounter in our bodies, we bear witness within us of the fact that Jesus died our death; in this same body, we now exhibit his life. The fact that we co-died in his death confirms that we now co-live in his resurrection!
4:16 We have much reason to be brave! There might be a lot of wear and tear on the outside; but don’t be distracted by that! On the inside we are celebrating daily revival! (MIRROR).


2 Corinthians 5:1-5,17
Our skin-bodies have a “sell by” date; our spirit-bodies are eternal. The same God who fashioned these skin-bodies in our mother’s womb, engineered our spirit-bodies to be our permanent dwelling.
5:2 Facing pressure times the way we often do, makes us sigh with longing to exchange our skin-suit with the permanent splendor of the heavenly-suit.
5:3 In the meantime, whatever challenges we are facing in the meat-box, we know that we shall never be found naked; since we are already fully clothed with our heavenly identity in Christ in our inner person!
5:4 We are not complaining about our bodies, even though we are often aware of its frailties; instead we yearn to be overwhelmed with life. We know that every evidence of death, even in our bodies, will dissolve into life!
5:5 God wired us this way; his Spirit already confirms within us the present evidence of eternity. We are eternal beings by design.

5:17 Now, in the light of your co-inclusion in his death and resurrection, whoever you thought you were before, in Christ you are a brand new person! The old ways of seeing yourself and everyone else are over. Acquaint yourself with the new! (MIRROR).


Galatians 3:13,14
Christ redeemed us from the curse as consequence of our failure to keep the law. In his cross he concentrated the total curse of the human race upon himself. In his abandoning himself to death, he absorbed and dissolved the horror of the curse in his own person. Scripture declares that anyone hanging on a tree embodies the curse. (Deut 21:23)
3:14 This act of Christ released the blessing of Abraham upon the Gentiles! Now we are free to receive the blessing of the Spirit (MIRROR).

Ephesians 1:3-6, 17-20
Let’s celebrate God! He lavished every blessing heaven has upon us in Christ!
1:4 He associated us in Christ before the fall of the world! Jesus is God’s mind made up about us! He always knew in his love that he would present us again face-to-face before him in blameless innocence.
1:5 He is the architect of our design; his heart dream realized our coming of age in Christ.
1:6 His grace-plan is to be celebrated: he greatly endeared us and highly favored us in Christ. His love for his Son is his love for us

1:17 I desire that you will draw directly from the source; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory ignites the spirit of wisdom and of revelation in you in the unveiling of his Master Plan. I desire that you know by revelation what he has known about you all along!
1:18 I pray that your thoughts will be flooded with light and inspired insight; that you will clearly picture his intent in identifying you in him so that you may know how precious you are to him. The saints are his treasure and the glorious trophy of his portion!
1:19 I pray that you will understand beyond all comparison the magnitude of his mighty power at work in us who believe. Faith reveals how enormously advantaged we are in Christ.
1:20 It is the same dynamic energy that he unleashed in Christ when he raised him from the dead and forever established him in the power of his own right hand in the realm of the heavens (MIRROR).

Ephesians 2:6
2:6 (As much as we were co-included in his death,) we are co-included in his resurrection. We are also elevated in his ascension to be equally present in the throne room of the heavenly realm where we are co-seated with him in his executive authority. We are fully represented in Christ Jesus (MIRROR).

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